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About Membership

North Carolina city managers first formed an association in 1938, when there were 24 municipalities with designated chief administrators. Today, more than 540 cities and towns have appointed chief administrators (managers, administrator, supervisors), and 100 counties have appointed managers. Read more about the history and founding of NCCCMA.

The active membership of the Association includes full-time appointed chief administrators of cities, counties and councils of government. Assistant managers and assistants to managers are also admitted as associate members with full voting rights. The officers and directors of the Association reflect this mix. Managers share ideas and innovations, build a network of mutual support and work together to adapt local government to a rapidly changing environment.

To improve the quality of local government, the Association works closely with the NC League of Municipalities, the NC Association of County Commissioners and the UNC School of Government. Having both city and county administrators in the organization encourages cooperation and the exchange of views.


The Association’s activities include two annual meetings—a professional seminar each February coordinated by the UNC School of Government and a summer conference in a resort area. Members are kept aware of Association activities, professional issues, and other career interests by The Administrator, the Association’s newsletter. Committees and task forces are often used to address specific needs or concerns, and to carry out the business of the Association. The Association sponsors scholarships for graduate students at all state universities offering master’s degree programs in public administration.

Membership Categories

ACTIVE MEMBERS. Any full-time appointed chief administrator of a North Carolina city, town, or county or council of governments holding or eligible to hold full Corporate Membership in the International City/County Management Association may become an active member of the Association upon payment of dues. This includes any Assistant/Deputy Manager reporting directly to the CEO of an above listed organization. Any member ceasing to meet these qualifications shall there by forfeit active membership in the Association.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. Any person who is employed in the top administrative position by a special purpose unit of local government, or individuals holding the top administrative position of a state or federal agency, or a faculty member public administration/public policy program, may become an Associate Member of the Association upon payment of their annual dues. Associate members may not vote or hold office. Any Associate Members as of July 1, 2021 whose membership is not provided for in this section may continue their Associate Membership. Associate Members may serve on committees, with the exception of the Professional Conduct Committee and Executive Committee, at the discretion of the President.

EMERGING LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGERS MEMBERS.Local government employees who have strong interest in the local government management profession may apply for Association membership with the written endorsement of the applicant’s local government CEO and upon payment of their annual dues. It is the responsibility of the local government CEO to ensure the applicant has the commitment and skills necessary to advance to a local government management position. Emerging Local Government Managers Members may serve on committees, except for the Professional Conduct Committee and Executive Committee, at the discretion of the President.

HONORARY MEMBERS. The Association may, from time to time upon the recommendation of its Executive Committee elect to bestow membership in the Association to persons who have rendered distinguished service to the profession and to local government and who are neither active nor associate members of the Association. Honorary membership is intended to be highly selective and limited, and shall be determined only upon the unanimous consent of those active members present and voting thereon. Honorary members shall be ineligible to vote or to hold office; Honorary Members shall receive complimentary membership.

LIFE MEMBERS. Any active member who has completed twenty-five years of membership, upon retiring from active service with a municipality, county, or council of governments may become a Life Member with the approval of the Executive Committee. Any member who has been an active member for at least fifteen years upon retirement at age sixty-five or later may become Life Member with the approval of the Executive Committee. Any member who has retired from active service with a municipality, county, or councils of government who in the opinion of the Executive Committee has made an outstanding contribution to the development of the profession may be granted a Life Membership by vote of a majority of the Executive Committee. Life Members are ineligible to hold office, however, shall retain voting privileges and retain the ability to serve on committees. Life Members shall apply to the Executive Committee for designation after being notified by the Association for eligibility and shall abide by the ICMA Code of Ethics once approved.

MEMBERS IN TRANSITION. Membership is not transferable; it shall be in the name of the individual and shall not attach to the individual’s respective position. Any Active Member of the Association who has resigned or has been removed from this position with a city, town, county or council of governments may retain status as an Active Member by submitting a written request to the Executive Committee. Upon approval of the written request by the Executive Committee Members in Transition shall be eligible for Member in Transition membership status for a maximum of two years from the date of their separation or until reemployed, whichever comes first. Members in Transition shall retain their voting rights and, if a member of the Executive Committee, shall complete the term of office to which they were elected but shall be ineligible to hold any additional office in the Association. Members in Transition are eligible to serve on committees at the discretion of the President.

STUDENT MEMBERS. Students enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program may become a member of the Association upon payment of their annual dues. Student members may not hold office. Student Members may serve on committees, except for the Professional Conduct Committee and Executive Committee, at the discretion of the President. Permanent full-time local government employees are not eligible for the student member category.

Membership Notes

VOTING RIGHTS. The right to vote upon matters coming before the Association shall be extended to only Active Members and Life Members, and each Active Member and Life Member shall have one equal vote upon each matter submitted for vote to the membership

DUES. The dues of Active Members shall be based on the annual salary of the member. The dues of other membership categories and the dues of Members in Transition shall be determined by majority vote of the membership. The dues of members shall be payable July 1 of each year and shall be prorated for portions of a year for new members. The Executive Committee may seek approval of changes in dues through an electronic vote of the entire membership or by simple majority of members present at a regular business meeting. A simple majority of the responses to the electronic vote shall be sufficient for approval. Any proposed changes in the dues shall be presented electronically to the membership at least ten (10) day prior voting.