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Committee Responsibilities

The most important work of the association is carried out by the work of committees. Committees are responsible for advancing the goals and strategies of the association’s strategic plan. Committees also provide association members with the opportunity to serve and to engage with other members of the association across the state to make valuable contributions to both the association and the local government management profession.

Civic Education Project Committee

Work in partnership with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Program in the Humanities and Human Values to execute the annual agreement between the Association and Consortium. Develop recommendations to sustain the long-term funding needed for the Civic Education Project for the future. Advise the Consortium and Executive Committee as needed on matters related to the Civic Education Project.

Membership Support Committee

Work with and assist Association members that are in transition or need of professional assistance using the bimonthly MIT report. Assign individual committee members to members-in-transition to assist during their transition. Solicit nominations and select the Assistant Manager of the Year award to be presented at the Winter Seminar. Solicit nominations and select recipient of the John E. Whitehurst Service Award. Oversees the Senior Advisor program.

Sustaining Membership/ICMA Relations Committee

Develop and implement strategies to increase/sustain the membership of the Association and ICMA. Strategies should be consistent with sustaining the association as the current “baby-boomer” generation members retire and embraces the next generation of managers.

Program/Conference Committee

Plans the Association’s professional development programing for the annual Winter and Summer Seminars with the with liaisons from the UNC School of Government, North Carolina League of Municipalities, and the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners.

Professional Development Committee

Advise the Executive Committee on matters to improve professional development opportunities for the membership. The committee solicits and selects recipients for grants to attend the Public Executive Leadership Academy at the UNC-CH School of Government, the Senior Executive Institute at the University of Virginia and other development opportunities.

Retirement Committee

Advise the NC League of Municipalities and the NC Association of County Commissioners on policy positions and possible enhancements to the NC Local Government Employees Retirement System benefits. Cultivate younger members of the association to become advocates for the retirement system as a tool to attract and retain qualified staff.

Collaboration with MPA Programs Committee

Maintain and enhance relationships with the ten MPA programs at the public universities in the state. Special consideration should be given to sharing information that will help the MPA programs better understand the educational needs of graduates as they prepare to enter the local government workforce. The designated program liaisons should be the “go to” person between the Association and the respective programs. Awards the Association's scholarships to deserving MPA students at each of the ten MPA programs in North Carolina.

Professional Conduct Committee

Investigate and respond appropriately to ICMA Code of Ethics complaints filed against NCCCMA members that are not members of ICMA. The committee should follow the Rules of Procedures adopted by the membership. According to the NCCCMA constitution, the committee is chaired by the 2nd Vice President of NCCCMA.

Sponsorship Committee

Responsible for the annual sponsorship program of the association which provides financial support for the Winter and Summer Seminars, the Public Executive Leadership Academy (PELA), the Professional Development Scholarship Program, and MPA Scholarships. the committee consists of up to five members including the chair of the committee who is expected to serve a minimum of three years. The committee is responsible for the recruitment of annual sponsors, sponsor relations throughout the year, on-site sponsor check-in during the Winter and Summer Seminars, and the selection of sponsor submitted session presentations during the Winter and Summer Seminars (if scheduled).